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Voir la documentation complète, ou l’ aide de l’API pour plus d’information.

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        "querypage": {
            "name": "Ancientpages",
            "results": [
                    "value": "20181123111641",
                    "timestamp": "2018-11-23T11:16:41Z",
                    "ns": 0,
                    "title": "Contribute"
                    "value": "20181123111649",
                    "timestamp": "2018-11-23T11:16:49Z",
                    "ns": 0,
                    "title": "Explore"
                    "value": "20181123132315",
                    "timestamp": "2018-11-23T13:23:15Z",
                    "ns": 0,
                    "title": "EPI Attention"
                    "value": "20181123132315",
                    "timestamp": "2018-11-23T13:23:15Z",
                    "ns": 0,
                    "title": "EPI For maintenance disconnect from mains"
                    "value": "20181123132315",
                    "timestamp": "2018-11-23T13:23:15Z",
                    "ns": 0,
                    "title": "EPI Connect Main Plug Label"
                    "value": "20181123132315",
                    "timestamp": "2018-11-23T13:23:15Z",
                    "ns": 0,
                    "title": "EPI Connect an earth terminal to the ground"
                    "value": "20181123132316",
                    "timestamp": "2018-11-23T13:23:16Z",
                    "ns": 0,
                    "title": "EPI Use protective apron"
                    "value": "20181123132316",
                    "timestamp": "2018-11-23T13:23:16Z",
                    "ns": 0,
                    "title": "EPI Refer to instruction manual"
                    "value": "20181123132316",
                    "timestamp": "2018-11-23T13:23:16Z",
                    "ns": 0,
                    "title": "EPI Use-protective-eyewear"
                    "value": "20181123132316",
                    "timestamp": "2018-11-23T13:23:16Z",
                    "ns": 0,
                    "title": "EPI Rinse hands"